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Exercises 14.5 Exercises


Examples 14.1–14.5 in the first section each describe an action of a group G on a set X, which will give rise to the equivalence relation defined by G-equivalence. For each example, compute the equivalence classes of the equivalence relation, the G-equivalence classes.


Compute all Xg and all Gx for each of the following permutation groups.
  1. X={1,2,3}, G=S3={(1),(12),(13),(23),(123),(132)}
  2. X={1,2,3,4,5,6}, G={(1),(12),(345),(354),(12)(345),(12)(354)}


Let G be the additive group of real numbers. Let the action of θ∈G on the real plane R2 be given by rotating the plane counterclockwise about the origin through θ radians. Let P be a point on the plane other than the origin.
  1. Show that R2 is a G-set.
  2. Describe geometrically the orbit containing P.
  3. Find the group GP.


Let G=A4 and suppose that G acts on itself by conjugation; that is, (g,h) â†¦ ghg−1.
  1. Determine the conjugacy classes (orbits) of each element of G.
  2. Determine all of the isotropy subgroups for each element of G.


If a square remains fixed in the plane, how many different ways can the corners of the square be colored if three colors are used?


How many ways can the vertices of an equilateral triangle be colored using three different colors?


Find the number of ways a six-sided die can be constructed if each side is marked differently with 1,…,6 dots.


Up to a rotation, how many ways can the faces of a cube be colored with three different colors?


Consider 12 straight wires of equal lengths with their ends soldered together to form the edges of a cube. Either silver or copper wire can be used for each edge. How many different ways can the cube be constructed?


Suppose that we color each of the eight corners of a cube. Using three different colors, how many ways can the corners be colored up to a rotation of the cube?


Each of the faces of a regular tetrahedron can be painted either red or white. Up to a rotation, how many different ways can the tetrahedron be painted?


Suppose that the vertices of a regular hexagon are to be colored either red or white. How many ways can this be done up to a symmetry of the hexagon?


A molecule of benzene is made up of six carbon atoms and six hydrogen atoms, linked together in a hexagonal shape as in Figure 14.28.
  1. How many different compounds can be formed by replacing one or more of the hydrogen atoms with a chlorine atom?
  2. Find the number of different chemical compounds that can be formed by replacing three of the six hydrogen atoms in a benzene ring with a CH3 radical.
A hexagon with hydrogen atoms, H, attached at each vertex.
Figure 14.28. A benzene ring


How many equivalence classes of switching functions are there if the input variables x1, x2, and x3 can be permuted by any permutation in S3? What if the input variables x1, x2, x3, and x4 can be permuted by any permutation in S4?


How many equivalence classes of switching functions are there if the input variables x1, x2, x3, and x4 can be permuted by any permutation in the subgroup of S4 generated by the permutation (x1,x2,x3,x4)?


A striped necktie has 12 bands of color. Each band can be colored by one of four possible colors. How many possible different-colored neckties are there?


A group acts faithfully on a G-set X if the identity is the only element of G that leaves every element of X fixed. Show that G acts faithfully on X if and only if no two distinct elements of G have the same action on each element of X.


Let p be prime. Show that the number of different abelian groups of order pn (up to isomorphism) is the same as the number of conjugacy classes in Sn.


Let a∈G. Show that for any g∈G, gC(a)g−1=C(gag−1).


Let |G|=pn be a nonabelian group for p prime. Prove that |Z(G)|<pn−1.


Let G be a group with order pn where p is prime and X a finite G-set. If XG={x∈X:gx=x for all g∈G} is the set of elements in X fixed by the group action, then prove that |X|≡|XG|(modp).


If G is a group of order pn, where p is prime and n≥2, show that G must have a proper subgroup of order p. If n≥3, is it true that G will have a proper subgroup of order p2?