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Section 17.3 Irreducible Polynomials

A nonconstant polynomial f(x)∈F[x] is irreducible over a field F if f(x) cannot be expressed as a product of two polynomials g(x) and h(x) in F[x], where the degrees of g(x) and h(x) are both smaller than the degree of f(x). Irreducible polynomials function as the β€œprime numbers” of polynomial rings.

Example 17.11.

The polynomial x2βˆ’2∈Q[x] is irreducible since it cannot be factored any further over the rational numbers. Similarly, x2+1 is irreducible over the real numbers.

Example 17.12.

The polynomial p(x)=x3+x2+2 is irreducible over Z3[x]. Suppose that this polynomial was reducible over Z3[x]. By the division algorithm there would have to be a factor of the form xβˆ’a, where a is some element in Z3[x]. Hence, it would have to be true that p(a)=0. However,
Therefore, p(x) has no zeros in Z3 and must be irreducible.


Suppose that
where the bi’s and the ci’s are integers. We can rewrite p(x) as
where d0,…,dn are integers. Let d be the greatest common divisor of d0,…,dn. Then
where di=dai and the ai’s are relatively prime. Reducing d/(c0β‹―cn) to its lowest terms, we can write
where gcd(r,s)=1.


By Lemma 17.13, we can assume that
where the ai’s are relatively prime and the bi’s are relatively prime. Consequently,
where c/d is the product of c1/d1 and c2/d2 expressed in lowest terms. Hence, dp(x)=cΞ±1(x)Ξ²1(x).
If d=1, then cambn=1 since p(x) is a monic polynomial. Hence, either c=1 or c=βˆ’1. If c=1, then either am=bn=1 or am=bn=βˆ’1. In the first case p(x)=Ξ±1(x)Ξ²1(x), where Ξ±1(x) and Ξ²1(x) are monic polynomials with deg⁑α(x)=deg⁑α1(x) and deg⁑β(x)=deg⁑β1(x). In the second case a(x)=βˆ’Ξ±1(x) and b(x)=βˆ’Ξ²1(x) are the correct monic polynomials since p(x)=(βˆ’Ξ±1(x))(βˆ’Ξ²1(x))=a(x)b(x). The case in which c=βˆ’1 can be handled similarly.
Now suppose that dβ‰ 1. Since gcd(c,d)=1, there exists a prime p such that p∣d and p∀c. Also, since the coefficients of Ξ±1(x) are relatively prime, there exists a coefficient ai such that p∀ai. Similarly, there exists a coefficient bj of Ξ²1(x) such that p∀bj. Let Ξ±1β€²(x) and Ξ²1β€²(x) be the polynomials in Zp[x] obtained by reducing the coefficients of Ξ±1(x) and Ξ²1(x) modulo p. Since p∣d, Ξ±1β€²(x)Ξ²1β€²(x)=0 in Zp[x]. However, this is impossible since neither Ξ±1β€²(x) nor Ξ²1β€²(x) is the zero polynomial and Zp[x] is an integral domain. Therefore, d=1 and the theorem is proven.


Let p(x) have a zero a∈Q. Then p(x) must have a linear factor xβˆ’a. By Gauss’s Lemma, p(x) has a factorization with a linear factor in Z[x]. Hence, for some α∈Z
Thus a0/α∈Z and so α∣a0.

Example 17.16.

Let p(x)=x4βˆ’2x3+x+1. We shall show that p(x) is irreducible over Q[x]. Assume that p(x) is reducible. Then either p(x) has a linear factor, say p(x)=(xβˆ’Ξ±)q(x), where q(x) is a polynomial of degree three, or p(x) has two quadratic factors.
If p(x) has a linear factor in Q[x], then it has a zero in Z. By Corollary 17.15, any zero must divide 1 and therefore must be Β±1; however, p(1)=1 and p(βˆ’1)=3. Consequently, we have eliminated the possibility that p(x) has any linear factors.
Therefore, if p(x) is reducible it must factor into two quadratic polynomials, say
where each factor is in Z[x] by Gauss’s Lemma. Hence,
Since bd=1, either b=d=1 or b=d=βˆ’1. In either case b=d and so
Since a+c=βˆ’2, we know that βˆ’2b=1. This is impossible since b is an integer. Therefore, p(x) must be irreducible over Q.


By Gauss’s Lemma (see Theorem 17.17 and Lemma 18.26), we need only show that f(x) does not factor into polynomials of lower degree in Z[x]. Let
be a factorization in Z[x], with br and cs not equal to zero and r,s<n. Since p2 does not divide a0=b0c0, either b0 or c0 is not divisible by p. Suppose that p∀b0 and p∣c0. Since p∀an and an=brcs, neither br nor cs is divisible by p. Let m be the smallest value of k such that p∀ck. Then
is not divisible by p, since each term on the right-hand side of the equation is divisible by p except for b0cm. Therefore, m=n since ai is divisible by p for m<n. Hence, f(x) cannot be factored into polynomials of lower degree and therefore must be irreducible.

Example 17.18.

The polynomial
is easily seen to be irreducible over Q by Eisenstein’s Criterion if we let p=3.
Eisenstein’s Criterion is more useful in constructing irreducible polynomials of a certain degree over Q than in determining the irreducibility of an arbitrary polynomial in Q[x]: given an arbitrary polynomial, it is not very likely that we can apply Eisenstein’s Criterion. The real value of Theorem 17.17 is that we now have an easy method of generating irreducible polynomials of any degree.

Subsection Ideals in F[x]

Let F be a field. Recall that a principal ideal in F[x] is an ideal ⟨p(x)⟩ generated by some polynomial p(x); that is,

Example 17.19.

The polynomial x2 in F[x] generates the ideal ⟨x2⟩ consisting of all polynomials with no constant term or term of degree 1.


Let I be an ideal of F[x]. If I is the zero ideal, the theorem is easily true. Suppose that I is a nontrivial ideal in F[x], and let p(x)∈I be a nonzero element of minimal degree. If deg⁑p(x)=0, then p(x) is a nonzero constant and 1 must be in I. Since 1 generates all of F[x], ⟨1⟩=I=F[x] and I is again a principal ideal.
Now assume that deg⁑p(x)β‰₯1 and let f(x) be any element in I. By the division algorithm there exist q(x) and r(x) in F[x] such that f(x)=p(x)q(x)+r(x) and deg⁑r(x)<deg⁑p(x). Since f(x),p(x)∈I and I is an ideal, r(x)=f(x)βˆ’p(x)q(x) is also in I. However, since we chose p(x) to be of minimal degree, r(x) must be the zero polynomial. Since we can write any element f(x) in I as p(x)q(x) for some q(x)∈F[x], it must be the case that I=⟨p(x)⟩.

Example 17.21.

It is not the case that every ideal in the ring F[x,y] is a principal ideal. Consider the ideal of F[x,y] generated by the polynomials x and y. This is the ideal of F[x,y] consisting of all polynomials with no constant term. Since both x and y are in the ideal, no single polynomial can generate the entire ideal.


Suppose that p(x) generates a maximal ideal of F[x]. Then ⟨p(x)⟩ is also a prime ideal of F[x]. Since a maximal ideal must be properly contained inside F[x], p(x) cannot be a constant polynomial. Let us assume that p(x) factors into two polynomials of lesser degree, say p(x)=f(x)g(x). Since ⟨p(x)⟩ is a prime ideal one of these factors, say f(x), is in ⟨p(x)⟩ and therefore be a multiple of p(x). But this would imply that ⟨p(x)βŸ©βŠ‚βŸ¨f(x)⟩, which is impossible since ⟨p(x)⟩ is maximal.
Conversely, suppose that p(x) is irreducible over F[x]. Let I be an ideal in F[x] containing ⟨p(x)⟩. By Theorem 17.20, I is a principal ideal; hence, I=⟨f(x)⟩ for some f(x)∈F[x]. Since p(x)∈I, it must be the case that p(x)=f(x)g(x) for some g(x)∈F[x]. However, p(x) is irreducible; hence, either f(x) or g(x) is a constant polynomial. If f(x) is constant, then I=F[x] and we are done. If g(x) is constant, then f(x) is a constant multiple of I and I=⟨p(x)⟩. Thus, there are no proper ideals of F[x] that properly contain ⟨p(x)⟩.

Subsection Historical Note

Throughout history, the solution of polynomial equations has been a challenging problem. The Babylonians knew how to solve the equation ax2+bx+c=0. Omar Khayyam (1048–1131) devised methods of solving cubic equations through the use of geometric constructions and conic sections. The algebraic solution of the general cubic equation ax3+bx2+cx+d=0 was not discovered until the sixteenth century. An Italian mathematician, Luca Pacioli (ca. 1445–1509), wrote in Summa de Arithmetica that the solution of the cubic was impossible. This was taken as a challenge by the rest of the mathematical community.
Scipione del Ferro (1465–1526), of the University of Bologna, solved the β€œdepressed cubic,”
He kept his solution an absolute secret. This may seem surprising today, when mathematicians are usually very eager to publish their results, but in the days of the Italian Renaissance secrecy was customary. Academic appointments were not easy to secure and depended on the ability to prevail in public contests. Such challenges could be issued at any time. Consequently, any major new discovery was a valuable weapon in such a contest. If an opponent presented a list of problems to be solved, del Ferro could in turn present a list of depressed cubics. He kept the secret of his discovery throughout his life, passing it on only on his deathbed to his student Antonio Fior (ca. 1506–?).
Although Fior was not the equal of his teacher, he immediately issued a challenge to Niccolo Fontana (1499–1557). Fontana was known as Tartaglia (the Stammerer). As a youth he had suffered a blow from the sword of a French soldier during an attack on his village. He survived the savage wound, but his speech was permanently impaired. Tartaglia sent Fior a list of 30 various mathematical problems; Fior countered by sending Tartaglia a list of 30 depressed cubics. Tartaglia would either solve all 30 of the problems or absolutely fail. After much effort Tartaglia finally succeeded in solving the depressed cubic and defeated Fior, who faded into obscurity.
At this point another mathematician, Gerolamo Cardano (1501–1576), entered the story. Cardano wrote to Tartaglia, begging him for the solution to the depressed cubic. Tartaglia refused several of his requests, then finally revealed the solution to Cardano after the latter swore an oath not to publish the secret or to pass it on to anyone else. Using the knowledge that he had obtained from Tartaglia, Cardano eventually solved the general cubic
Cardano shared the secret with his student, Ludovico Ferrari (1522–1565), who solved the general quartic equation,
In 1543, Cardano and Ferrari examined del Ferro’s papers and discovered that he had also solved the depressed cubic. Cardano felt that this relieved him of his obligation to Tartaglia, so he proceeded to publish the solutions in Ars Magna (1545), in which he gave credit to del Ferro for solving the special case of the cubic. This resulted in a bitter dispute between Cardano and Tartaglia, who published the story of the oath a year later.