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Section 20.2 Subspaces

Just as groups have subgroups and rings have subrings, vector spaces also have substructures. Let V be a vector space over a field F, and W a subset of V. Then W is a subspace of V if it is closed under vector addition and scalar multiplication; that is, if u,vW and αF, it will always be the case that u+v and αv are also in W.

Example 20.6.

Let W be the subspace of R3 defined by W={(x1,2x1+x2,x1x2):x1,x2R}. We claim that W is a subspace of R3. Since
W is closed under scalar multiplication. To show that W is closed under vector addition, let u=(x1,2x1+x2,x1x2) and v=(y1,2y1+y2,y1y2) be vectors in W. Then

Example 20.7.

Let W be the subset of polynomials of F[x] with no odd-power terms. If p(x) and q(x) have no odd-power terms, then neither will p(x)+q(x). Also, αp(x)W for αF and p(x)W.
Let V be any vector space over a field F and suppose that v1,v2,,vn are vectors in V and α1,α2,,αn are scalars in F. Any vector w in V of the form
is called a linear combination of the vectors v1,v2,,vn. The spanning set of vectors v1,v2,,vn is the set of vectors obtained from all possible linear combinations of v1,v2,,vn. If W is the spanning set of v1,v2,,vn, then we say that W is spanned by v1,v2,,vn.


Let u and v be in S. We can write both of these vectors as linear combinations of the vi’s:
is a linear combination of the vi’s. For αF,
is in the span of S.