Section 20.2 Subspaces
Just as groups have subgroups and rings have subrings, vector spaces also have substructures. Let be a vector space over a field and a subset of Then is a subspace of if it is closed under vector addition and scalar multiplication; that is, if and it will always be the case that and are also in
Example 20.7.
Let be the subset of polynomials of with no odd-power terms. If and have no odd-power terms, then neither will Also, for and
Let be any vector space over a field and suppose that are vectors in and are scalars in Any vector in of the form
is called a linear combination of the vectors The spanning set of vectors is the set of vectors obtained from all possible linear combinations of If is the spanning set of then we say that is spanned by
Proposition 20.8.
Let and be in We can write both of these vectors as linear combinations of the ’s:
is a linear combination of the ’s. For
is in the span of