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Exercises 16.7 Exercises


Which of the following sets are rings with respect to the usual operations of addition and multiplication? If the set is a ring, is it also a field?
  1. 7Z
  2. Z18
  3. Q(2)={a+b2:a,b∈Q}
  4. Q(2,3)={a+b2+c3+d6:a,b,c,d∈Q}
  5. Z[3]={a+b3:a,b∈Z}
  6. R={a+b33:a,b∈Q}
  7. Z[i]={a+bi:a,b∈Z and i2=−1}
  8. Q(33)={a+b33+c93:a,b,c∈Q}


Let R be the ring of 2×2 matrices of the form
where a,b∈R. Show that although R is a ring that has no identity, we can find a subring S of R with an identity.


List or characterize all of the units in each of the following rings.
  1. Z10
  2. Z12
  3. Z7
  4. M2(Z), the 2×2 matrices with entries in Z
  5. M2(Z2), the 2×2 matrices with entries in Z2


Find all of the ideals in each of the following rings. Which of these ideals are maximal and which are prime?
  1. Z18
  2. Z25
  3. M2(R), the 2×2 matrices with entries in R
  4. M2(Z), the 2×2 matrices with entries in Z
  5. Q


For each of the following rings R with ideal I, give an addition table and a multiplication table for R/I.
  1. R=Z and I=6Z
  2. R=Z12 and I={0,3,6,9}


Prove or disprove: The ring Q(2)={a+b2:a,b∈Q} is isomorphic to the ring Q(3)={a+b3:a,b∈Q}.


Solve each of the following systems of congruences.
  1. x≡2(mod5)x≡6(mod11)
  2. x≡3(mod7)x≡0(mod8)x≡5(mod15)
  3. x≡2(mod4)x≡4(mod7)x≡7(mod9)x≡5(mod11)
  4. x≡3(mod5)x≡0(mod8)x≡1(mod11)x≡5(mod13)


Use the method of parallel computation outlined in the text to calculate 2234+4121 by dividing the calculation into four separate additions modulo 95, 97, 98, and 99.


Explain why the method of parallel computation outlined in the text fails for 2134â‹…1531 if we attempt to break the calculation down into two smaller calculations modulo 98 and 99.


Let a be any element in a ring R with identity. Show that (−1)a=−a.


Let ϕ:R→S be a ring homomorphism. Prove each of the following statements.
  1. If R is a commutative ring, then Ï•(R) is a commutative ring.
  2. Ï•(0)=0.
  3. Let 1R and 1S be the identities for R and S, respectively. If Ï• is onto, then Ï•(1R)=1S.
  4. If R is a field and ϕ(R)≠0, then ϕ(R) is a field.


Prove that the associative law for multiplication and the distributive laws hold in R/I.


Prove the Second Isomorphism Theorem for rings: Let I be a subring of a ring R and J an ideal in R. Then I∩J is an ideal in I and


Prove the Third Isomorphism Theorem for rings: Let R be a ring and I and J be ideals of R, where J⊂I. Then


Prove the Correspondence Theorem: Let I be an ideal of a ring R. Then S→S/I is a one-to-one correspondence between the set of subrings S containing I and the set of subrings of R/I. Furthermore, the ideals of R correspond to ideals of R/I.


Let R be a ring and S a subset of R. Show that S is a subring of R if and only if each of the following conditions is satisfied.
  1. S≠∅.
  2. rs∈S for all r,s∈S.
  3. r−s∈S for all r,s∈S.


Let R be a ring with a collection of subrings {Rα}. Prove that ⋂Rα is a subring of R. Give an example to show that the union of two subrings is not necessarily a subring.


Let {Iα}α∈A be a collection of ideals in a ring R. Prove that ⋂α∈AIα is also an ideal in R. Give an example to show that if I1 and I2 are ideals in R, then I1∪I2 may not be an ideal.


Let R be an integral domain. Show that if the only ideals in R are {0} and R itself, R must be a field.


Let R be a commutative ring. An element a in R is nilpotent if an=0 for some positive integer n. Show that the set of all nilpotent elements forms an ideal in R.


A ring R is a Boolean ring if for every a∈R, a2=a. Show that every Boolean ring is a commutative ring.


Let R be a ring, where a3=a for all a∈R. Prove that R must be a commutative ring.


Let R be a ring with identity 1R and S a subring of R with identity 1S. Prove or disprove that 1R=1S.


If we do not require the identity of a ring to be distinct from 0, we will not have a very interesting mathematical structure. Let R be a ring such that 1=0. Prove that R={0}.


Let R be a ring with identity.
  1. Let u be a unit in R. Define a map iu:R→R by r↦uru−1. Prove that iu is an automorphism of R. Such an automorphism of R is called an inner automorphism of R. Denote the set of all inner automorphisms of R by Inn(R).
  2. Denote the set of all automorphisms of R by Aut(R). Prove that Inn(R) is a normal subgroup of Aut(R).
  3. Let U(R) be the group of units in R. Prove that the map
    defined by u↦iu is a homomorphism. Determine the kernel of ϕ.
  4. Compute Aut(Z), Inn(Z), and U(Z).


Let R and S be arbitrary rings. Show that their Cartesian product is a ring if we define addition and multiplication in R×S by
  1. (r,s)+(r′,s′)=(r+r′,s+s′)
  2. (r,s)(r′,s′)=(rr′,ss′)


An element x in a ring is called an idempotent if x2=x. Prove that the only idempotents in an integral domain are 0 and 1. Find a ring with a idempotent x not equal to 0 or 1.


Let gcd(a,n)=d and gcd(b,d)≠1. Prove that ax≡b(modn) does not have a solution.

39. The Chinese Remainder Theorem for Rings.

Let R be a ring and I and J be ideals in R such that I+J=R.
  1. Show that for any r and s in R, the system of equations
    has a solution.
  2. In addition, prove that any two solutions of the system are congruent modulo I∩J.
  3. Let I and J be ideals in a ring R such that I+J=R. Show that there exists a ring isomorphism