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Reading Questions 8.5 Reading Questions


Suppose a binary code has minimum distance d=6. How many errors can be detected? How many errors can be corrected?


Explain why it is impossible for the 8-bit string with decimal value 5610 to be an ASCII code for a character. Assume the leftmost bit of the string is being used as a parity-check bit.


Suppose we receive the 8-bit string with decimal value 5610 when we are expecting ASCII characters with a parity-check bit in the first bit (leftmost). We know an error has occurred in transmission. Give one of the probable guesses for the character which was actually sent (other than β€˜8’), under the assumption that any individual bit is rarely sent in error. Explain the logic of your answer. (You may need to consult a table of ASCII values online.)


Suppose a linear code C is created as the null space of the parity-check matrix
Then x=11100 is not a codeword. Describe a computation, and give the result of that computation, which verifies that x is not a codeword of the code C.


For H and x as in the previous question, suppose that x is received as a message. Give a maximum likelihood decoding of the received message.