Section 14.2 The Class Equation
Since the orbits of the action partition
is the set of points that are fixed by conjugation. The nontrivial orbits of the action are called the conjugacy classes of If are representatives from each of the nontrivial conjugacy classes of and then
The stabilizer subgroups of each of the ’s, are called the centralizer subgroups of the ’s. From Theorem 14.11, we obtain the class equation:
One of the consequences of the class equation is that the order of each conjugacy class must divide the order of
Example 14.13.
Example 14.14.
For it takes a bit of work to find the conjugacy classes. We begin with cycles. Suppose that is a cycle and let By Theorem 6.16,
Consequently, any two cycles of the same length are conjugate. Now let be a cycle decomposition, where the length of each cycle is Then is conjugate to every other whose cycle decomposition has the same lengths.
The number of conjugate classes in is the number of ways in which can be partitioned into sums of positive integers. In the case of for example, we can partition the integer into the following three sums:
therefore, there are three conjugacy classes. There are variations to problem of finding the number of such partitions for any positive integer that are what computer scientists call NP-complete. This effectively means that the problem cannot be solved for a large because the computations would be too time-consuming for even the largest computer.
Theorem 14.15.
We apply the class equation
Since each and it follows that must divide each Also, hence, must divide Since the identity is always in the center of Therefore, and there exists some such that
Corollary 14.16.
By Theorem 14.15, or Suppose that Then and both have order and must both be cyclic groups. Choosing a generator for we can write any element in the quotient group as for some integer hence, for some in the center of Similarly, if there exists a in such that for some integer Since and are in the center of they commute with all other elements of therefore,
and must be abelian. Hence,