Section 18.1 Fields of Fractions
Every field is also an integral domain; however, there are many integral domains that are not fields. For example, the integers form an integral domain but not a field. A question that naturally arises is how we might associate an integral domain with a field. There is a natural way to construct the rationals from the integers: the rationals can be represented as formal quotients of two integers. The rational numbers are certainly a field. In fact, it can be shown that the rationals are the smallest field that contains the integers. Given an integral domain our question now becomes how to construct a smallest field containing We will do this in the same way as we constructed the rationals from the integers.
An element is the quotient of two integers and however, different pairs of integers can represent the same rational number. For instance, We know that
if and only if A more formal way of considering this problem is to examine fractions in terms of equivalence relations. We can think of elements in as ordered pairs in A quotient can be written as For instance, would represent the fraction However, there are problems if we consider all possible pairs in There is no fraction corresponding to the pair Also, the pairs and both represent the fraction The first problem is easily solved if we require the second coordinate to be nonzero. The second problem is solved by considering two pairs and to be equivalent if
If we use the approach of ordered pairs instead of fractions, then we can study integral domains in general. Let be any integral domain and let
Since is commutative, hence, is reflexive on Now suppose that Then or Therefore, and the relation is symmetric. Finally, to show that the relation is transitive, let and In this case and Multiplying both sides of by yields
Since is an integral domain, we can deduce that or
We will denote the set of equivalence classes on by We now need to define the operations of addition and multiplication on Recall how fractions are added and multiplied in
It seems reasonable to define the operations of addition and multiplication on in a similar manner. If we denote the equivalence class of by then we are led to define the operations of addition and multiplication on by
respectively. The next lemma demonstrates that these operations are independent of the choice of representatives from each equivalence class.
Lemma 18.2.
The operations of addition and multiplication on are well-defined.
We will prove that the operation of addition is well-defined. The proof that multiplication is well-defined is left as an exercise. Let and We must show that
or, equivalently, that
Since and we know that and Therefore,
Lemma 18.3.
The additive and multiplicative identities are and respectively. To show that is the additive identity, observe that
It is easy to show that is the multiplicative identity. Let such that Then is also in and hence, is the multiplicative inverse for Similarly, is the additive inverse of We leave as exercises the verification of the associative and commutative properties of multiplication in We also leave it to the reader to show that is an abelian group under addition.
It remains to show that the distributive property holds in however,
and the lemma is proved.
The field in Lemma 18.3 is called the field of fractions or field of quotients of the integral domain
Theorem 18.4.
Let be an integral domain. Then can be embedded in a field of fractions where any element in can be expressed as the quotient of two elements in Furthermore, the field of fractions is unique in the sense that if is any field containing then there exists a map giving an isomorphism with a subfield of such that for all elements where we identify with its image in
We will first demonstrate that can be embedded in the field Define a map by Then for and in
hence, is a homomorphism. To show that is one-to-one, suppose that Then or Finally, any element of can be expressed as the quotient of two elements in since
Now let be a field containing and define a map by To show that is well-defined, let Then Therefore, and
If and are in then
Therefore, is a homomorphism.
To complete the proof of the theorem, we need to show that is one-to-one. Suppose that Then and Therefore, the kernel of is the zero element in and is injective.
Example 18.5.
Since is a field, is an integral domain. The field of fractions of is the set of all rational expressions where and are polynomials over the rationals and is not the zero polynomial. We will denote this field by
We will leave the proofs of the following corollaries of Theorem 18.4 as exercises.