Section 20.1 Definitions and Examples
A vector space over a field is an abelian group with a scalar product or defined for all and all satisfying the following axioms.
The elements of are called vectors; the elements of are called scalars. It is important to notice that in most cases two vectors cannot be multiplied. In general, it is only possible to multiply a vector with a scalar. To differentiate between the scalar zero and the vector zero, we will write them as 0 and respectively.
Let us examine several examples of vector spaces. Some of them will be quite familiar; others will seem less so.
Example 20.2.
If is a field, then is a vector space over The vectors in are simply polynomials, and vector addition is just polynomial addition. If and then scalar multiplication is defined by
Example 20.3.
The set of all continuous real-valued functions on a closed interval is a vector space over If and are continuous on then is defined to be Scalar multiplication is defined by for For example, if and then
Example 20.4.
Let Then is a vector space over If and then is again in Also, for is in We will leave it as an exercise to verify that all of the vector space axioms hold for
Proposition 20.5.
To prove (1), observe that
consequently, Since is an abelian group,
The proof of (2) is almost identical to the proof of (1). For (3), we are done if Suppose that Multiplying both sides of by we have
To show (4), observe that
and so We will leave the proof of (5) as an exercise.