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Exercises 1.4 Exercises


Suppose that
A={x:x∈N and x is even},B={x:x∈N and x is prime},C={x:x∈N and x is a multiple of 5}.
Describe each of the following sets.
  1. A∩B
  2. B∩C
  3. AβˆͺB
  4. A∩(BβˆͺC)


If A={a,b,c}, B={1,2,3}, C={x}, and D=βˆ…, list all of the elements in each of the following sets.
  1. AΓ—B
  2. BΓ—A
  3. AΓ—BΓ—C
  4. AΓ—D


Find an example of two nonempty sets A and B for which AΓ—B=BΓ—A is true.


Prove AβˆͺB=(A∩B)βˆͺ(Aβˆ–B)βˆͺ(Bβˆ–A).


Prove (Aβˆ–B)βˆͺ(Bβˆ–A)=(AβˆͺB)βˆ–(A∩B).


Which of the following relations f:Q→Q define a mapping? In each case, supply a reason why f is or is not a mapping.
  1. f(p/q)=p+1pβˆ’2
  2. f(p/q)=3p3q
  3. f(p/q)=p+qq2
  4. f(p/q)=3p27q2βˆ’pq


Determine which of the following functions are one-to-one and which are onto. If the function is not onto, determine its range.
  1. f:R→R defined by f(x)=ex
  2. f:Z→Z defined by f(n)=n2+3
  3. f:Rβ†’R defined by f(x)=sin⁑x
  4. f:Z→Z defined by f(x)=x2


Let f:Aβ†’B and g:Bβ†’C be invertible mappings; that is, mappings such that fβˆ’1 and gβˆ’1 exist. Show that (g∘f)βˆ’1=fβˆ’1∘gβˆ’1.


  1. Define a function f:N→N that is one-to-one but not onto.
  2. Define a function f:N→N that is onto but not one-to-one.


Prove the relation defined on R2 by (x1,y1)∼(x2,y2) if x12+y12=x22+y22 is an equivalence relation.


Let f:A→B and g:B→C be maps.
  1. If f and g are both one-to-one functions, show that g∘f is one-to-one.
  2. If g∘f is onto, show that g is onto.
  3. If g∘f is one-to-one, show that f is one-to-one.
  4. If g∘f is one-to-one and f is onto, show that g is one-to-one.
  5. If g∘f is onto and g is one-to-one, show that f is onto.


Define a function on the real numbers by
What are the domain and range of f? What is the inverse of f? Compute f∘fβˆ’1 and fβˆ’1∘f.


Let f:Xβ†’Y be a map with A1,A2βŠ‚X and B1,B2βŠ‚Y.
  1. Prove f(A1βˆͺA2)=f(A1)βˆͺf(A2).
  2. Prove f(A1∩A2)βŠ‚f(A1)∩f(A2). Give an example in which equality fails.
  3. Prove fβˆ’1(B1βˆͺB2)=fβˆ’1(B1)βˆͺfβˆ’1(B2), where
  4. Prove fβˆ’1(B1∩B2)=fβˆ’1(B1)∩fβˆ’1(B2).
  5. Prove fβˆ’1(Yβˆ–B1)=Xβˆ–fβˆ’1(B1).


Determine whether or not the following relations are equivalence relations on the given set. If the relation is an equivalence relation, describe the partition given by it. If the relation is not an equivalence relation, state why it fails to be one.
  1. x∼y in R if xβ‰₯y
  2. m∼n in Z if mn>0
  3. x∼y in R if |xβˆ’y|≀4
  4. m∼n in Z if m≑n(mod6)


Define a relation ∼ on R2 by stating that (a,b)∼(c,d) if and only if a2+b2≀c2+d2. Show that ∼ is reflexive and transitive but not symmetric.


Show that an mΓ—n matrix gives rise to a well-defined map from Rn to Rm.


Find the error in the following argument by providing a counterexample. β€œThe reflexive property is redundant in the axioms for an equivalence relation. If x∼y, then y∼x by the symmetric property. Using the transitive property, we can deduce that x∼x.”

29. Projective Real Line.

Define a relation on R2βˆ–{(0,0)} by letting (x1,y1)∼(x2,y2) if there exists a nonzero real number Ξ» such that (x1,y1)=(Ξ»x2,Ξ»y2). Prove that ∼ defines an equivalence relation on R2βˆ–(0,0). What are the corresponding equivalence classes? This equivalence relation defines the projective line, denoted by P(R), which is very important in geometry.