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Section 23.2 The Fundamental Theorem

The goal of this section is to prove the Fundamental Theorem of Galois Theory. This theorem explains the connection between the subgroups of G(E/F) and the intermediate fields between E and F.


Let ฯƒi(a)=a and ฯƒi(b)=b. Then
If aโ‰ 0, then ฯƒi(aโˆ’1)=[ฯƒi(a)]โˆ’1=aโˆ’1. Finally, ฯƒi(0)=0 and ฯƒi(1)=1 since ฯƒi is an automorphism.
The subfield F{ฯƒi} of F is called the fixed field of {ฯƒi}. The field fixed by a subgroup G of Aut(F) will be denoted by FG.

Example 23.16.

Let ฯƒ:Q(3,5)โ†’Q(3,5) be the automorphism that maps 3 to โˆ’3. Then Q(5) is the subfield of Q(3,5) left fixed by ฯƒ.


Let G=G(E/F). Clearly, FโŠ‚EGโŠ‚E. Also, E must be a splitting field of EG and G(E/F)=G(E/EG). By Theorem 23.7,
Therefore, [EG:F]=1. Consequently, EG=F.
A large number of mathematicians first learned Galois theory from Emil Artinโ€™s monograph on the subject [1]. The very clever proof of the following lemma is due to Artin.


Let |G|=n. We must show that any set of n+1 elements ฮฑ1,โ€ฆ,ฮฑn+1 in E is linearly dependent over F; that is, we need to find elements aiโˆˆF, not all zero, such that
Suppose that ฯƒ1=id,ฯƒ2,โ€ฆ,ฯƒn are the automorphisms in G. The homogeneous system of linear equations
has more unknowns than equations. From linear algebra we know that this system has a nontrivial solution, say xi=ai for i=1,2,โ€ฆ,n+1. Since ฯƒ1 is the identity, the first equation translates to
The problem is that some of the aiโ€™s may be in E but not in F. We must show that this is impossible.
Suppose that at least one of the aiโ€™s is in E but not in F. By rearranging the ฮฑiโ€™s we may assume that a1 is nonzero. Since any nonzero multiple of a solution is also a solution, we can also assume that a1=1. Of all possible solutions fitting this description, we choose the one with the smallest number of nonzero terms. Again, by rearranging ฮฑ2,โ€ฆ,ฮฑn+1 if necessary, we can assume that a2 is in E but not in F. Since F is the subfield of E that is fixed elementwise by G, there exists a ฯƒi in G such that ฯƒi(a2)โ‰ a2. Applying ฯƒi to each equation in the system, we end up with the same homogeneous system, since G is a group. Therefore, x1=ฯƒi(a1)=1, x2=ฯƒi(a2), โ€ฆ, xn+1=ฯƒi(an+1) is also a solution of the original system. We know that a linear combination of two solutions of a homogeneous system is also a solution; consequently,
must be another solution of the system. This is a nontrivial solution because ฯƒi(a2)โ‰ a2, and has fewer nonzero entries than our original solution. This is a contradiction, since the number of nonzero solutions to our original solution was assumed to be minimal. We can therefore conclude that a1,โ€ฆ,an+1โˆˆF.
Let E be an algebraic extension of F. If every irreducible polynomial in F[x] with a root in E has all of its roots in E, then E is called a normal extension of F; that is, every irreducible polynomial in F[x] containing a root in E is the product of linear factors in E[x].


(1) โ‡’ (2). Let E be a finite, normal, separable extension of F. By the Primitive Element Theorem, we can find an ฮฑ in E such that E=F(ฮฑ). Let f(x) be the minimal polynomial of ฮฑ over F. The field E must contain all of the roots of f(x) since it is a normal extension F; hence, E is a splitting field for f(x).
(2) โ‡’ (3). Let E be the splitting field over F of a separable polynomial. By Proposition 23.17, EG(E/F)=F. Since |G(E/F)|=[E:F], this is a finite group.
(3) โ‡’ (1). Let F=EG for some finite group of automorphisms G of E. Since [E:F]โ‰ค|G|, E is a finite extension of F. To show that E is a finite, normal extension of F, let f(x)โˆˆF[x] be an irreducible monic polynomial that has a root ฮฑ in E. We must show that f(x) is the product of distinct linear factors in E[x]. By Proposition 23.5, automorphisms in G permute the roots of f(x) lying in E. Hence, if we let G act on ฮฑ, we can obtain distinct roots ฮฑ1=ฮฑ,ฮฑ2,โ€ฆ,ฮฑn in E. Let g(x)=โˆi=1n(xโˆ’ฮฑi). Then g(x) is separable over F and g(ฮฑ)=0. Any automorphism ฯƒ in G permutes the factors of g(x) since it permutes these roots; hence, when ฯƒ acts on g(x), it must fix the coefficients of g(x). Therefore, the coefficients of g(x) must be in F. Since degโกg(x)โ‰คdegโกf(x) and f(x) is the minimal polynomial of ฮฑ, f(x)=g(x).


Since F=KG, G is a subgroup of G(K/F). Hence,
It follows that G=G(K/F), since they must have the same order.
Before we determine the exact correspondence between field extensions and automorphisms of fields, let us return to a familiar example.

Example 23.21.

In Example 23.4 we examined the automorphisms of Q(3,5) fixing Q. Figure 23.22 compares the lattice of field extensions of Q with the lattice of subgroups of G(Q(3,5)/Q). The Fundamental Theorem of Galois Theory tells us what the relationship is between the two lattices.
The graph is a lattice of subgroups of the group (identity, sigma, tau, mu). The group (identity, sigma, tau, mu) has subgroups (identity, sigma), (identity, tau), and (identity, mu).  At level three there is the subgroup (identity), which is contained in all subgroups.
The graph is a lattice of subfields of the rationals with the square root of three and the square root of five attached. The field of the rationals with the square root of three and the square root of five attached, has subfields of the rationals with the square root of three attached, the rationals with the square root of five attached, and the rationals with the square root of fifteen attached.  At level three there are the rationals which are contained in all of the fields above.
Figure 23.22. G(Q(3,5)/Q)
We are now ready to state and prove the Fundamental Theorem of Galois Theory.


(1) Suppose that G(E/K)=G(E/L)=G. Both K and L are fixed fields of G; hence, K=L and the map defined by Kโ†ฆG(E/K) is one-to-one. To show that the map is onto, let G be a subgroup of G(E/F) and K be the field fixed by G. Then FโŠ‚KโŠ‚E; consequently, E is a normal extension of K. Thus, G(E/K)=G and the map Kโ†ฆG(E/K) is a bijection.
(2) By Theorem Theorem 23.7, |G(E/K)|=[E:K]; therefore,
Thus, [K:F]=[G(E/F):G(E/K)].
Statement (3) is illustrated in Figure 23.24. We leave the proof of this property as an exercise.
(4) This part takes a little more work. Let K be a normal extension of F. If ฯƒ is in G(E/F) and ฯ„ is in G(E/K), we need to show that ฯƒโˆ’1ฯ„ฯƒ is in G(E/K); that is, we need to show that ฯƒโˆ’1ฯ„ฯƒ(ฮฑ)=ฮฑ for all ฮฑโˆˆK. Suppose that f(x) is the minimal polynomial of ฮฑ over F. Then ฯƒ(ฮฑ) is also a root of f(x) lying in K, since K is a normal extension of F. Hence, ฯ„(ฯƒ(ฮฑ))=ฯƒ(ฮฑ) or ฯƒโˆ’1ฯ„ฯƒ(ฮฑ)=ฮฑ.
Conversely, let G(E/K) be a normal subgroup of G(E/F). We need to show that F=KG(K/F). Let ฯ„โˆˆG(E/K). For all ฯƒโˆˆG(E/F) there exists a ฯ„โ€•โˆˆG(E/K) such that ฯ„ฯƒ=ฯƒฯ„โ€•. Consequently, for all ฮฑโˆˆK
hence, ฯƒ(ฮฑ) must be in the fixed field of G(E/K). Let ฯƒโ€• be the restriction of ฯƒ to K. Then ฯƒโ€• is an automorphism of K fixing F, since ฯƒ(ฮฑ)โˆˆK for all ฮฑโˆˆK; hence, ฯƒโ€•โˆˆG(K/F). Next, we will show that the fixed field of G(K/F) is F. Let ฮฒ be an element in K that is fixed by all automorphisms in G(K/F). In particular, ฯƒโ€•(ฮฒ)=ฮฒ for all ฯƒโˆˆG(E/F). Therefore, ฮฒ belongs to the fixed field F of G(E/F).
Finally, we must show that when K is a normal extension of F,
For ฯƒโˆˆG(E/F), let ฯƒK be the automorphism of K obtained by restricting ฯƒ to K. Since K is a normal extension, the argument in the preceding paragraph shows that ฯƒKโˆˆG(K/F). Consequently, we have a map ฯ•:G(E/F)โ†’G(K/F) defined by ฯƒโ†ฆฯƒK. This map is a group homomorphism since
The kernel of ฯ• is G(E/K). By (2),
Hence, the image of ฯ• is G(K/F) and ฯ• is onto. Applying the First Isomorphism Theorem, we have
Figure 23.24. Subgroups of G(E/F) and subfields of E

Example 23.25.

In this example we will illustrate the Fundamental Theorem of Galois Theory by determining the lattice of subgroups of the Galois group of f(x)=x4โˆ’2. We will compare this lattice to the lattice of field extensions of Q that are contained in the splitting field of x4โˆ’2. The splitting field of f(x) is Q(24,i). To see this, notice that f(x) factors as (x2+2)(x2โˆ’2); hence, the roots of f(x) are ยฑ24 and ยฑ24i. We first adjoin the root 24 to Q and then adjoin the root i of x2+1 to Q(24). The splitting field of f(x) is then Q(24)(i)=Q(24,i).
Since [Q(24):Q]=4 and i is not in Q(24), it must be the case that [Q(24,i):Q(24)]=2. Hence, [Q(24,i):Q]=8. The set
is a basis of Q(24,i) over Q. The lattice of field extensions of Q contained in Q(24,i) is illustrated in Figure 23.26(a).
The Galois group G of f(x) must be of order 8. Let ฯƒ be the automorphism defined by ฯƒ(24)=i24 and ฯƒ(i)=i, and ฯ„ be the automorphism defined by complex conjugation; that is, ฯ„(i)=โˆ’i. Then G has an element of order 4 and an element of order 2. It is easy to verify by direct computation that the elements of G are {id,ฯƒ,ฯƒ2,ฯƒ3,ฯ„,ฯƒฯ„,ฯƒ2ฯ„,ฯƒ3ฯ„} and that the relations ฯ„2=id, ฯƒ4=id, and ฯ„ฯƒฯ„=ฯƒโˆ’1 are satisfied; hence, G must be isomorphic to D4. The lattice of subgroups of G is illustrated in Figure 23.26(b).
The top diagram is a lattice of fields and the bottom diagram is a lattice of the corresponding groups.   At the top of the field lattice is the rationals with the fourth root of 2 and i attached. On the next level are five subfields: the rationals with the fourth root of 2 attached, the rationals with i times the fourth root of 2 attached, the rationals with the square root of 2 and i attached, the rationals with 1 plus i times the square root of 2 attached, and the rationals with 1 minus i times the square root of 2 attached. On the third level, there is the rationals with the square root of 2 attached, which is a subfield of the rationals with the fourth root of 2 attached, the rationals with i times the fourth root of 2 attached, the rationals with the square root of 2 and i attached. There is the rationals with i attached, which is a subfield of the rationals with the square root of 2 and i attached. There is the rationals with the square root of 2 times i attached, which is a subfield of the rationals with the square root of 2 and i attached, the rationals with 1 plus i times the square root of 2 attached, and the rationals with 1 minus i times the square root of 2 attached. At level four there is the rationals which is a subfield of all of the other fields. In bottom lattice, there is the dihedral group, D4, at the top level. The next level consists of three subgroups: (identity, sigma squared, tau, sigma squared times tau), (identity, sigma, sigma squared, sigma cubed), and (identity, sigma squared, sigma times tau, sigma cubed times tau). The third level consists of five subgroups. (identity, tau) is a subgroup of (identity, sigma squared, tau, sigma squared times tau). (identity, sigma squared times tau) is a subgroup of (identity, sigma squared, tau, sigma squared times tau). (identity, sigma squared) is a subgroup of (identity, sigma squared, tau, sigma squared times tau), (identity, sigma, sigma squared, sigma cubed), and (identity, sigma squared, sigma times tau, sigma cubed times tau). (identity, sigma times tau) is a subgroup of (identity, sigma squared, sigma times tau, sigma cubed times tau). (identity, sigma cubed times tau) is a subgroup of (identity, sigma squared, sigma times tau, sigma cubed times tau). The bottom level has only the subgroup consisting of the identity, which is contained in all the subgroups.
Figure 23.26. Galois group of x4โˆ’2

Subsection Historical Note

Solutions for the cubic and quartic equations were discovered in the 1500s. Attempts to find solutions for the quintic equations puzzled some of historyโ€™s best mathematicians. In 1798, P. Ruffini submitted a paper that claimed no such solution could be found; however, the paper was not well received. In 1826, Niels Henrik Abel (1802โ€“1829) finally offered the first correct proof that quintics are not always solvable by radicals.
Abel inspired the work of ร‰variste Galois. Born in 1811, Galois began to display extraordinary mathematical talent at the age of 14. He applied for entrance to the ร‰cole Polytechnique several times; however, he had great difficulty meeting the formal entrance requirements, and the examiners failed to recognize his mathematical genius. He was finally accepted at the ร‰cole Normale in 1829.
Galois worked to develop a theory of solvability for polynomials. In 1829, at the age of 17, Galois presented two papers on the solution of algebraic equations to the Acadรฉmie des Sciences de Paris. These papers were sent to Cauchy, who subsequently lost them. A third paper was submitted to Fourier, who died before he could read the paper. Another paper was presented, but was not published until 1846.
Galoisโ€™ democratic sympathies led him into the Revolution of 1830. He was expelled from school and sent to prison for his part in the turmoil. After his release in 1832, he was drawn into a duel possibly over a love affair. Certain that he would be killed, he spent the evening before his death outlining his work and his basic ideas for research in a long letter to his friend Chevalier. He was indeed dead the next day, at the age of 20.