Compute each of the following Galois groups. Which of these field extensions are normal field extensions? If the extension is not normal, find a normal extension of in which the extension field is contained.
Let be prime. Prove that there exists a polynomial of degree with Galois group isomorphic to . Conclude that for each prime with there exists a polynomial of degree that is not solvable by radicals.
Let be an extension field of . Suppose that and are two intermediate fields. If there exists an element such that , then and are said to be conjugate fields. Prove that and are conjugate if and only if and are conjugate subgroups of .
Let be a field of characteristic zero and let be a separable polynomial of degree . If is the splitting field of , let be the roots of in . Let . We define the discriminant of to be .
If , show that .
If , show that .
Prove that is in .
If is a transposition of two roots of , show that .
If is an even permutation of the roots of , show that .
Prove that is isomorphic to a subgroup of if and only if .