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Exercises 18.4 Exercises


Let z=a+b3i be in Z[3i]. If a2+3b2=1, show that z must be a unit. Show that the only units of Z[3i] are 1 and 1.


The Gaussian integers, Z[i], are a UFD. Factor each of the following elements in Z[i] into a product of irreducibles.
  1. 5
  2. 1+3i
  3. 6+8i
  4. 2


Let D be an integral domain.
  1. Prove that FD is an abelian group under the operation of addition.
  2. Show that the operation of multiplication is well-defined in the field of fractions, FD.
  3. Verify the associative and commutative properties for multiplication in FD.


Prove or disprove: Any subring of a field F containing 1 is an integral domain.


Prove or disprove: If D is an integral domain, then every prime element in D is also irreducible in D.


Let F be a field of characteristic zero. Prove that F contains a subfield isomorphic to Q.


Let F be a field.
  1. Prove that the field of fractions of F[x], denoted by F(x), is isomorphic to the set all rational expressions p(x)/q(x), where q(x) is not the zero polynomial.
  2. Let p(x1,,xn) and q(x1,,xn) be polynomials in F[x1,,xn]. Show that the set of all rational expressions p(x1,,xn)/q(x1,,xn) is isomorphic to the field of fractions of F[x1,,xn]. We denote the field of fractions of F[x1,,xn] by F(x1,,xn).


Let p be prime and denote the field of fractions of Zp[x] by Zp(x). Prove that Zp(x) is an infinite field of characteristic p.


Prove that the field of fractions of the Gaussian integers, Z[i], is


A field F is called a prime field if it has no proper subfields. If E is a subfield of F and E is a prime field, then E is a prime subfield of F.
  1. Prove that every field contains a unique prime subfield.
  2. If F is a field of characteristic 0, prove that the prime subfield of F is isomorphic to the field of rational numbers, Q.
  3. If F is a field of characteristic p, prove that the prime subfield of F is isomorphic to Zp.


Let Z[2]={a+b2:a,bZ}.
  1. Prove that Z[2] is an integral domain.
  2. Find all of the units in Z[2].
  3. Determine the field of fractions of Z[2].
  4. Prove that Z[2i] is a Euclidean domain under the Euclidean valuation ν(a+b2i)=a2+2b2.


Let D be a UFD. An element dD is a greatest common divisor of a and b in D if da and db and d is divisible by any other element dividing both a and b.
  1. If D is a PID and a and b are both nonzero elements of D, prove there exists a unique greatest common divisor of a and b up to associates. That is, if d and d are both greatest common divisors of a and b, then d and d are associates. We write gcd(a,b) for the greatest common divisor of a and b.
  2. Let D be a PID and a and b be nonzero elements of D. Prove that there exist elements s and t in D such that gcd(a,b)=as+bt.


Let D be an integral domain. Define a relation on D by ab if a and b are associates in D. Prove that is an equivalence relation on D.


Let D be a Euclidean domain with Euclidean valuation ν. If u is a unit in D, show that ν(u)=ν(1).


Let D be a Euclidean domain with Euclidean valuation ν. If a and b are associates in D, prove that ν(a)=ν(b).


Show that Z[5i] is not a unique factorization domain.


Prove or disprove: Every subdomain of a UFD is also a UFD.


An ideal of a commutative ring R is said to be finitely generated if there exist elements a1,,an in R such that every element r in the ideal can be written as a1r1++anrn for some r1,,rn in R. Prove that R satisfies the ascending chain condition if and only if every ideal of R is finitely generated.


Let D be an integral domain with a descending chain of ideals I1I2I3. Suppose that there exists an N such that Ik=IN for all kN. A ring satisfying this condition is said to satisfy the descending chain condition, or DCC. Rings satisfying the DCC are called Artinian rings, after Emil Artin. Show that if D satisfies the descending chain condition, it must satisfy the ascending chain condition.


Let R be a commutative ring with identity. We define a multiplicative subset of R to be a subset S such that 1S and abS if a,bS.
  1. Define a relation on R×S by (a,s)(a,s) if there exists an sS such that s(sasa)=0. Show that is an equivalence relation on R×S.
  2. Let a/s denote the equivalence class of (a,s)R×S and let S1R be the set of all equivalence classes with respect to . Define the operations of addition and multiplication on S1R by
    respectively. Prove that these operations are well-defined on S1R and that S1R is a ring with identity under these operations. The ring S1R is called the ring of quotients of R with respect to S.
  3. Show that the map ψ:RS1R defined by ψ(a)=a/1 is a ring homomorphism.
  4. If R has no zero divisors and 0S, show that ψ is one-to-one.
  5. Prove that P is a prime ideal of R if and only if S=RP is a multiplicative subset of R.
  6. If P is a prime ideal of R and S=RP, show that the ring of quotients S1R has a unique maximal ideal. Any ring that has a unique maximal ideal is called a local ring.