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Section 6.2 Lagrange’s Theorem


We first show that the map ϕ is one-to-one. Suppose that ϕ(h1)=ϕ(h2) for elements h1,h2H. We must show that h1=h2, but ϕ(h1)=gh1 and ϕ(h2)=gh2. So gh1=gh2, and by left cancellation h1=h2. To show that ϕ is onto is easy. By definition every element of gH is of the form gh for some hH and ϕ(h)=gh.


The group G is partitioned into [G:H] distinct left cosets. Each left coset has |H| elements; therefore, |G|=[G:H]|H|.


Let g be in G such that ge. Then by Corollary 6.11, the order of g must divide the order of the group. Since |g|>1, it must be p. Hence, g generates G.
Corollary 6.12 suggests that groups of prime order p must somehow look like Zp.


Observe that

Remark 6.14. The converse of Lagrange’s Theorem is false.

The group A4 has order 12; however, it can be shown that it does not possess a subgroup of order 6. According to Lagrange’s Theorem, subgroups of a group of order 12 can have orders of either 1, 2, 3, 4, or 6. However, we are not guaranteed that subgroups of every possible order exist. To prove that A4 has no subgroup of order 6, we will assume that it does have such a subgroup H and show that a contradiction must occur. Since A4 contains eight 3-cycles, we know that H must contain a 3-cycle. We will show that if H contains one 3-cycle, then it must contain more than 6 elements.


Since [A4:H]=2, there are only two cosets of H in A4. Inasmuch as one of the cosets is H itself, right and left cosets must coincide; therefore, gH=Hg or gHg1=H for every gA4. Since there are eight 3-cycles in A4, at least one 3-cycle must be in H. Without loss of generality, assume that (123) is in H. Then (123)1=(132) must also be in H. Since ghg1H for all gA4 and all hH and
we can conclude that H must have at least seven elements
Therefore, A4 has no subgroup of order 6.
In fact, we can say more about when two cycles have the same length.


Suppose that
Define σ to be the permutation
Then μ=στσ1.
Conversely, suppose that τ=(a1,a2,,ak) is a k-cycle and σSn. If σ(ai)=b and σ(a(imodk)+1)=b, then μ(b)=b. Hence,
Since σ is one-to-one and onto, μ is a cycle of the same length as τ.