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Section 19.2 Boolean Algebras

Let us investigate the example of the power set, P(X), of a set X more closely. The power set is a lattice that is ordered by inclusion. By the definition of the power set, the largest element in P(X) is X itself and the smallest element is , the empty set. For any set A in P(X), we know that AX=A and A=A. This suggests the following definition for lattices. An element I in a poset X is a largest element if aI for all aX. An element O is a smallest element of X if Oa for all aX.
Let A be in P(X). Recall that the complement of A is
A=XA={x:xX and xA}.
We know that AA=X and AA=. We can generalize this example for lattices. A lattice L with a largest element I and a smallest element O is complemented if for each aL, there exists an a such that aa=I and aa=O.
In a lattice L, the binary operations and satisfy commutative and associative laws; however, they need not satisfy the distributive law
however, in P(X) the distributive law is satisfied since
for A,B,CP(X). We will say that a lattice L is distributive if the following distributive law holds:
for all a,b,cL.


Let us assume that L is a distributive lattice.
The converse follows directly from the Duality Principle.
A Boolean algebra is a lattice B with a greatest element I and a smallest element O such that B is both distributive and complemented. The power set of X, P(X), is our prototype for a Boolean algebra. As it turns out, it is also one of the most important Boolean algebras. The following theorem allows us to characterize Boolean algebras in terms of the binary relations and without mention of the fact that a Boolean algebra is a poset.


Let B be a set satisfying (1)–(5) in the theorem. One of the idempotent laws is satisfied since
Observe that
Consequently, the first of the two absorption laws holds, since
The other idempotent and absorption laws are proven similarly. Since B also satisfies (1)–(3), the conditions of Theorem 19.14 are met; therefore, B must be a lattice. Condition (4) tells us that B is a distributive lattice.
For aB, Oa=a; hence, Oa and O is the smallest element in B. To show that I is the largest element in B, we will first show that ab=b is equivalent to ab=a. Since aI=a for all aB, using the absorption laws we can determine that
or aI for all a in B. Finally, since we know that B is complemented by (5), B must be a Boolean algebra.
Conversely, suppose that B is a Boolean algebra. Let I and O be the greatest and least elements in B, respectively. If we define ab and ab as least upper and greatest lower bounds of {a,b}, then B is a Boolean algebra by Theorem 19.14, Theorem 19.15, and our hypothesis.
Many other identities hold in Boolean algebras. Some of these identities are listed in the following theorem.


We will prove only (2). The rest of the identities are left as exercises. For ab=ac and ab=ac, we have

Subsection Finite Boolean Algebras

A Boolean algebra is a finite Boolean algebra if it contains a finite number of elements as a set. Finite Boolean algebras are particularly nice since we can classify them up to isomorphism.
Let B and C be Boolean algebras. A bijective map ϕ:BC is an isomorphism of Boolean algebras if
for all a and b in B.
We will show that any finite Boolean algebra is isomorphic to the Boolean algebra obtained by taking the power set of some finite set X. We will need a few lemmas and definitions before we prove this result. Let B be a finite Boolean algebra. An element aB is an atom of B if aO and ab=a for all bB with bO. Equivalently, a is an atom of B if there is no bB with bO distinct from a such that Oba.


If b is an atom, let a=b. Otherwise, choose an element b1, not equal to O or b, such that b1b. We are guaranteed that this is possible since b is not an atom. If b1 is an atom, then we are done. If not, choose b2, not equal to O or b1, such that b2b1. Again, if b2 is an atom, let a=b2. Continuing this process, we can obtain a chain
Since B is a finite Boolean algebra, this chain must be finite. That is, for some k, bk is an atom. Let a=bk.


Since ab is the greatest lower bound of a and b, we know that aba. Hence, either ab=a or ab=O. However, if ab=a, then either ab or a=O. In either case we have a contradiction because a and b are both atoms; therefore, ab=O.


(1) (2). If ab, then ab=b. Therefore,
(2) (3). If ab=O, then ab=(ab)=O=I.
(3) (1). If ab=I, then
Thus, ab.


By Lemma 19.20, bcO. Hence, there exists an atom a such that abc. Consequently, ab and a⪯̸c.


Let b1=a1an. Since aib for each i, we know that b1b. If we can show that bb1, then the lemma is true by antisymmetry. Assume b⪯̸b1. Then there exists an atom a such that ab and a⪯̸b1. Since a is an atom and ab, we can deduce that a=ai for some ai. However, this is impossible since ab1. Therefore, bb1.
Now suppose that b=a1an. If a is an atom less than b,
But each term is O or a with aai occurring for only one ai. Hence, by Lemma 19.19, a=ai for some i.


We will show that B is isomorphic to P(X), where X is the set of atoms of B. Let aB. By Lemma 19.22, we can write a uniquely as a=a1an for a1,,anX. Consequently, we can define a map ϕ:BP(X) by
Clearly, ϕ is onto.
Now let a=a1an and b=b1bm be elements in B, where each ai and each bi is an atom. If ϕ(a)=ϕ(b), then {a1,,an}={b1,,bm} and a=b. Consequently, ϕ is injective.
The join of a and b is preserved by ϕ since
Similarly, ϕ(ab)=ϕ(a)ϕ(b).
We leave the proof of the following corollary as an exercise.