Section 9.2 Direct Products
Given two groups and it is possible to construct a new group from the Cartesian product of and Conversely, given a large group, it is sometimes possible to decompose the group; that is, a group is sometimes isomorphic to the direct product of two smaller groups. Rather than studying a large group it is often easier to study the component groups of
Subsection External Direct Products
If and are groups, then we can make the Cartesian product of and into a new group. As a set, our group is just the ordered pairs where and We can define a binary operation on by
that is, we just multiply elements in the first coordinate as we do in and elements in the second coordinate as we do in We have specified the particular operations and in each group here for the sake of clarity; we usually just write
Clearly the binary operation defined above is closed. If and are the identities of the groups and respectively, then is the identity of The inverse of is The fact that the operation is associative follows directly from the associativity of and
Example 9.14.
Let be the group of real numbers under addition. The Cartesian product of with itself, is also a group, in which the group operation is just addition in each coordinate; that is, The identity is and the inverse of is
Example 9.15.
The group is called the external direct product of and Notice that there is nothing special about the fact that we have used only two groups to build a new group. The direct product
Example 9.16.
Theorem 9.17.
Let If and have finite orders and respectively, then the order of in is the least common multiple of and
Suppose that is the least common multiple of and and let Then
Hence, must divide and However, by the second equation, both and must divide therefore, is a common multiple of and Since is the least common multiple of and Consequently, must be equal to
Corollary 9.18.
Example 9.19.
Let Since the order of is in Similarly, the order of in is The least common multiple of and is hence, has order in
Example 9.20.
The next theorem tells us exactly when the direct product of two cyclic groups is cyclic.
Theorem 9.21.
We will first show that if then We will prove the contrapositive; that is, we will show that if then cannot be cyclic. Notice that is divisible by both and hence, for any element
Therefore, no can generate all of
Corollary 9.22.
Corollary 9.23.
In Chapter 13, we will prove that all finite abelian groups are isomorphic to direct products of the form
where are (not necessarily distinct) primes.
Subsection Internal Direct Products
The external direct product of two groups builds a large group out of two smaller groups. We would like to be able to reverse this process and conveniently break down a group into its direct product components; that is, we would like to be able to say when a group is isomorphic to the direct product of two of its subgroups.
for all and
Example 9.24.
Example 9.25.
Example 9.26.
Not every group can be written as the internal direct product of two of its proper subgroups. If the group were an internal direct product of its proper subgroups and then one of the subgroups, say would have to have order In this case is the subgroup The subgroup must have order but no matter which subgroup we choose for the condition that will never be satisfied for and
Theorem 9.27.
Since is an internal direct product, we can write any element as for some and some Define a map by
The first problem that we must face is to show that is a well-defined map; that is, we must show that and are uniquely determined by Suppose that Then is in both and so it must be the identity. Therefore, and which proves that is, indeed, well-defined.
To show that preserves the group operation, let and and observe that
We will leave the proof that is one-to-one and onto as an exercise.
Example 9.28.
We can extend the definition of an internal direct product of to a collection of subgroups of by requiring that
for all and
We will leave the proof of the following theorem as an exercise.