If is a field, show that is a vector space over , where the vectors in are polynomials. Vector addition is polynomial addition, and scalar multiplication is defined by for .
for all and all , then is called a linear transformation from into .
Prove that the kernel of ,, is a subspace of . The kernel of is sometimes called the null space of .
Prove that the range or range space of , for some , is a subspace of .
Show that is injective if and only if .
Let be a basis for the null space of . We can extend this basis to be a basis of . Why? Prove that is a basis for the range of . Conclude that the range of has dimension .
Let . Show that a linear transformation is injective if and only if it is surjective.
Let and be finite dimensional vector spaces of dimension over a field . Suppose that is a vector space isomorphism. If is a basis of , show that is a basis of . Conclude that any vector space over a field of dimension is isomorphic to .
Let and be finite dimensional vector spaces over a field .
Show that the set of all linear transformations from into , denoted by , is a vector space over , where we define vector addition as follows:
where ,, and .
Let be an -vector space. Define the dual space of to be . Elements in the dual space of are called linear functionals. Let be an ordered basis for . If is any vector in , define a linear functional by . Show that the ’s form a basis for . This basis is called the dual basis of (or simply the dual basis if the context makes the meaning clear).
Consider the basis for . What is the dual basis for ?
Let be a vector space of dimension over a field and let be the dual space of . Show that each element gives rise to an element in and that the map is an isomorphism of with .