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Exercises 20.5 Exercises


If F is a field, show that F[x] is a vector space over F, where the vectors in F[x] are polynomials. Vector addition is polynomial addition, and scalar multiplication is defined by αp(x) for αF.


Prove that Q(2) is a vector space.


Let Q(2,3) be the field generated by elements of the form a+b2+c3+d6, where a,b,c,d are in Q. Prove that Q(2,3) is a vector space of dimension 4 over Q. Find a basis for Q(2,3).


Prove that the complex numbers are a vector space of dimension 2 over R.


Prove that the set Pn of all polynomials of degree less than n form a subspace of the vector space F[x]. Find a basis for Pn and compute the dimension of Pn.


Let F be a field and denote the set of n-tuples of F by Fn. Given vectors u=(u1,,un) and v=(v1,,vn) in Fn and α in F, define vector addition by
and scalar multiplication by
Prove that Fn is a vector space of dimension n under these operations.


Which of the following sets are subspaces of R3? If the set is indeed a subspace, find a basis for the subspace and compute its dimension.
  1. {(x1,x2,x3):3x12x2+x3=0}
  2. {(x1,x2,x3):3x1+4x3=0,2x1x2+x3=0}
  3. {(x1,x2,x3):x12x2+2x3=2}
  4. {(x1,x2,x3):3x12x22=0}


Show that the set of all possible solutions (x,y,z)R3 of the equations
form a subspace of R3.


Let W be the subset of continuous functions on [0,1] such that f(0)=0. Prove that W is a subspace of C[0,1].


Let V be a vector space over F. Prove that (αv)=(α)v=α(v) for all αF and all vV.


Let V be a vector space of dimension n. Prove each of the following statements.
  1. If S={v1,,vn} is a set of linearly independent vectors for V, then S is a basis for V.
  2. If S={v1,,vn} spans V, then S is a basis for V.
  3. If S={v1,,vk} is a set of linearly independent vectors for V with k<n, then there exist vectors vk+1,,vn such that
    is a basis for V.


Prove that any set of vectors containing 0 is linearly dependent.


Let V be a vector space. Show that {0} is a subspace of V of dimension zero.


If a vector space V is spanned by n vectors, show that any set of m vectors in V must be linearly dependent for m>n.

15. Linear Transformations.

Let V and W be vector spaces over a field F, of dimensions m and n, respectively. If T:VW is a map satisfying
for all αF and all u,vV, then T is called a linear transformation from V into W.
  1. Prove that the kernel of T, ker(T)={vV:T(v)=0}, is a subspace of V. The kernel of T is sometimes called the null space of T.
  2. Prove that the range or range space of T, R(V)={wW:T(v)=w for some vV}, is a subspace of W.
  3. Show that T:VW is injective if and only if ker(T)={0}.
  4. Let {v1,,vk} be a basis for the null space of T. We can extend this basis to be a basis {v1,,vk,vk+1,,vm} of V. Why? Prove that {T(vk+1),,T(vm)} is a basis for the range of T. Conclude that the range of T has dimension mk.
  5. Let dimV=dimW. Show that a linear transformation T:VW is injective if and only if it is surjective.


Let V and W be finite dimensional vector spaces of dimension n over a field F. Suppose that T:VW is a vector space isomorphism. If {v1,,vn} is a basis of V, show that {T(v1),,T(vn)} is a basis of W. Conclude that any vector space over a field F of dimension n is isomorphic to Fn.

17. Direct Sums.

Let U and V be subspaces of a vector space W. The sum of U and V, denoted U+V, is defined to be the set of all vectors of the form u+v, where uU and vV.
  1. Prove that U+V and UV are subspaces of W.
  2. If U+V=W and UV=0, then W is said to be the direct sum. In this case, we write W=UV. Show that every element wW can be written uniquely as w=u+v, where uU and vV.
  3. Let U be a subspace of dimension k of a vector space W of dimension n. Prove that there exists a subspace V of dimension nk such that W=UV. Is the subspace V unique?
  4. If U and V are arbitrary subspaces of a vector space W, show that

18. Dual Spaces.

Let V and W be finite dimensional vector spaces over a field F.
  1. Show that the set of all linear transformations from V into W, denoted by Hom(V,W), is a vector space over F, where we define vector addition as follows:
    where S,THom(V,W), αF, and vV.
  2. Let V be an F-vector space. Define the dual space of V to be V=Hom(V,F). Elements in the dual space of V are called linear functionals. Let v1,,vn be an ordered basis for V. If v=α1v1++αnvn is any vector in V, define a linear functional ϕi:VF by ϕi(v)=αi. Show that the ϕi’s form a basis for V. This basis is called the dual basis of v1,,vn (or simply the dual basis if the context makes the meaning clear).
  3. Consider the basis {(3,1),(2,2)} for R2. What is the dual basis for (R2)?
  4. Let V be a vector space of dimension n over a field F and let V be the dual space of V. Show that each element vV gives rise to an element λv in V and that the map vλv is an isomorphism of V with V.