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Exercises 19.5 Exercises


Draw the lattice diagram for the power set of X={a,b,c,d} with the set inclusion relation, .


Draw the diagram for the set of positive integers that are divisors of 30. Is this poset a Boolean algebra?


Draw a diagram of the lattice of subgroups of Z12.


Let B be the set of positive integers that are divisors of 210. Define an order on B by ab if ab. Prove that B is a Boolean algebra. Find a set X such that B is isomorphic to P(X).


Prove or disprove: Z is a poset under the relation ab if ab.


Draw the switching circuit for each of the following Boolean expressions.
  1. (aba)a
  2. (ab)(ab)
  3. a(ab)
  4. (cab)c(ab)


Draw a circuit that will be closed exactly when only one of three switches a, b, and c are closed.


Prove or disprove that the two circuits shown are equivalent.
Two graphs.  The graph on the left splits into three paths, a-b-c, a’-b, and a-c’, and then rejoins.  The graph on the right splits into two paths, a-b and a-c’, and then rejoins.


Let X be a finite set containing n elements. Prove that |P(X)|=2n. Conclude that the order of any finite Boolean algebra must be 2n for some nN.


For each of the following circuits, write a Boolean expression. If the circuit can be replaced by one with fewer switches, give the Boolean expression and draw a diagram for the new circuit.
Three graphs.  The top graph from left to right is a’, then splits into a top path a-b’ and a on the bottom and then rejoins.  The middle graph from left to right splits into two paths with a on the top path and b on the bottom path.  The graph then rejoins and splits into three paths with the top path a-b, the middle path a’, and the bottom path a’-b.  The graph then rejoins.  The bottom graph splits into three paths with top path a-b-c, middle path a’-b’-c, and the bottom path a-b’-c’.  The paths then rejoin.


Prove or disprove: The set of all nonzero integers is a lattice, where ab is defined by ab.


Let L be a nonempty set with two binary operations and satisfying the commutative, associative, idempotent, and absorption laws. We can define a partial order on L, as in Theorem 19.14, by ab if ab=b. Prove that the greatest lower bound of a and b is ab.


Let G be a group and X be the set of subgroups of G ordered by set-theoretic inclusion. If H and K are subgroups of G, show that the least upper bound of H and K is the subgroup generated by HK.


Let R be a ring and suppose that X is the set of ideals of R. Show that X is a poset ordered by set-theoretic inclusion, . Define the meet of two ideals I and J in X by IJ and the join of I and J by I+J. Prove that the set of ideals of R is a lattice under these operations.


Let B be a Boolean algebra. Prove each of the following identities.
  1. aI=I and aO=O for all aB.
  2. If ab=I and ab=O, then b=a.
  3. (a)=a for all aB.
  4. I=O and O=I.
  5. (ab)=ab and (ab)=ab (De Morgan’s laws).


By drawing the appropriate diagrams, complete the proof of Theorem 19.31 to show that the switching functions form a Boolean algebra.


Let B be a Boolean algebra. Define binary operations + and on B by
Prove that B is a commutative ring under these operations satisfying a2=a for all aB.


Let X be a poset such that for every a and b in X, either ab or ba. Then X is said to be a totally ordered set.
  1. Is ab a total order on N?
  2. Prove that N, Z, Q, and R are totally ordered sets under the usual ordering .


Let X and Y be posets. A map ϕ:XY is order-preserving if ab implies that ϕ(a)ϕ(b). Let L and M be lattices. A map ψ:LM is a lattice homomorphism if ψ(ab)=ψ(a)ψ(b) and ψ(ab)=ψ(a)ψ(b). Show that every lattice homomorphism is order-preserving, but that it is not the case that every order-preserving homomorphism is a lattice homomorphism.


Let B be a Boolean algebra. Prove that a=b if and only if (ab)(ab)=O for a,bB.


Let B be a Boolean algebra. Prove that a=O if and only if (ab)(ab)=b for all bB.


Let L and M be lattices. Define an order relation on L×M by (a,b)(c,d) if ac and bd. Show that L×M is a lattice under this partial order.