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Section 14.1 Groups Acting on Sets

Let X be a set and G be a group. A (left) action of G on X is a map GΓ—Xβ†’X given by (g,x)↦gx, where
  1. ex=x for all x∈X;
  2. (g1g2)x=g1(g2x) for all x∈X and all g1,g2∈G.
Under these considerations X is called a G-set. Notice that we are not requiring X to be related to G in any way. It is true that every group G acts on every set X by the trivial action (g,x)↦x; however, group actions are more interesting if the set X is somehow related to the group G.

Example 14.1.

Let G=GL2(R) and X=R2. Then G acts on X by left multiplication. If v∈R2 and I is the identity matrix, then Iv=v. If A and B are 2Γ—2 invertible matrices, then (AB)v=A(Bv) since matrix multiplication is associative.

Example 14.2.

Let G=D4 be the symmetry group of a square. If X={1,2,3,4} is the set of vertices of the square, then we can consider D4 to consist of the following permutations:
The elements of D4 act on X as functions. The permutation (13)(24) acts on vertex 1 by sending it to vertex 3, on vertex 2 by sending it to vertex 4, and so on. It is easy to see that the axioms of a group action are satisfied.
In general, if X is any set and G is a subgroup of SX, the group of all permutations acting on X, then X is a G-set under the group action
for ΟƒβˆˆG and x∈X.

Example 14.3.

If we let X=G, then every group G acts on itself by the left regular representation; that is, (g,x)↦λg(x)=gx, where Ξ»g is left multiplication:
If H is a subgroup of G, then G is an H-set under left multiplication by elements of H.

Example 14.4.

Let G be a group and suppose that X=G. If H is a subgroup of G, then G is an H-set under conjugation; that is, we can define an action of H on G,
for h∈H and g∈G. Clearly, the first axiom for a group action holds. Observing that
we see that the second condition is also satisfied.

Example 14.5.

Let H be a subgroup of G and LH the set of left cosets of H. The set LH is a G-set under the action
Again, it is easy to see that the first axiom is true. Since (ggβ€²)xH=g(gβ€²xH), the second axiom is also true.
If G acts on a set X and x,y∈X, then x is said to be G-equivalent to y if there exists a g∈G such that gx=y. We write x∼Gy or x∼y if two elements are G-equivalent.


The relation ∼ is reflexive since ex=x. Suppose that x∼y for x,y∈X. Then there exists a g such that gx=y. In this case gβˆ’1y=x; hence, y∼x. To show that the relation is transitive, suppose that x∼y and y∼z. Then there must exist group elements g and h such that gx=y and hy=z. So z=hy=(hg)x, and x is equivalent to z.
If X is a G-set, then each partition of X associated with G-equivalence is called an orbit of X under G. We will denote the orbit that contains an element x of X by Ox.

Example 14.7.

Let G be the permutation group defined by
and X={1,2,3,4,5}. Then X is a G-set. The orbits are O1=O2=O3={1,2,3} and O4=O5={4,5}.
Now suppose that G is a group acting on a set X and let g be an element of G. The fixed point set of g in X, denoted by Xg, is the set of all x∈X such that gx=x. We can also study the group elements g that fix a given x∈X. This set is more than a subset of G, it is a subgroup. This subgroup is called the stabilizer subgroup or isotropy subgroup of x. We will denote the stabilizer subgroup of x by Gx.

Remark 14.8.

It is important to remember that XgβŠ‚X and GxβŠ‚G.

Example 14.9.

Let X={1,2,3,4,5,6} and suppose that G is the permutation group given by the permutations
Then the fixed point sets of X under the action of G are
and the stabilizer subgroups are
It is easily seen that Gx is a subgroup of G for each x∈X.


Clearly, e∈Gx since the identity fixes every element in the set X. Let g,h∈Gx. Then gx=x and hx=x. So (gh)x=g(hx)=gx=x; hence, the product of two elements in Gx is also in Gx. Finally, if g∈Gx, then x=ex=(gβˆ’1g)x=(gβˆ’1)gx=gβˆ’1x. So gβˆ’1 is in Gx.
We will denote the number of elements in the fixed point set of an element g∈G by |Xg| and denote the number of elements in the orbit of x∈X by |Ox|. The next theorem demonstrates the relationship between orbits of an element x∈X and the left cosets of Gx in G.


We know that |G|/|Gx| is the number of left cosets of Gx in G by Lagrange’s Theorem (Theorem 6.10). We will define a bijective map Ο• between the orbit Ox of X and the set of left cosets LGx of Gx in G. Let y∈Ox. Then there exists a g in G such that gx=y. Define Ο• by Ο•(y)=gGx. To show that Ο• is one-to-one, assume that Ο•(y1)=Ο•(y2). Then
where g1x=y1 and g2x=y2. Since g1Gx=g2Gx, there exists a g∈Gx such that g2=g1g,
consequently, the map Ο• is one-to-one. Finally, we must show that the map Ο• is onto. Let gGx be a left coset. If gx=y, then Ο•(y)=gGx.