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Exercises 22.4 Exercises


Calculate each of the following.
  1. [GF(36):GF(33)]
  2. [GF(128):GF(16)]
  3. [GF(625):GF(25)]
  4. [GF(p12):GF(p2)]


Let ฮฑ be a zero of x3+x2+1 over Z2. Construct a finite field of order 8. Show that x3+x2+1 splits in Z2(ฮฑ).


Factor each of the following polynomials in Z2[x].
  1. x5โˆ’1
  2. x6+x5+x4+x3+x2+x+1
  3. x9โˆ’1
  4. x4+x3+x2+x+1


Prove or disprove: Z2[x]/โŸจx3+x+1โŸฉโ‰…Z2[x]/โŸจx3+x2+1โŸฉ.


Prove that the ideal โŸจt+1โŸฉ in Rn is the code in Z2n consisting of all words of even parity.


Prove or disprove: There exists a finite field that is algebraically closed.


Let p be prime. Prove that the field of rational functions Zp(x) is an infinite field of characteristic p.


Let D be an integral domain of characteristic p. Prove that (aโˆ’b)pn=apnโˆ’bpn for all a,bโˆˆD.


Show that every element in a finite field can be written as the sum of two squares.


Let E and F be subfields of a finite field K. If E is isomorphic to F, show that E=F.


Let FโŠ‚EโŠ‚K be fields. If K is a separable extension of F, show that K is also separable extension of E.


Let E be an extension of a finite field F, where F has q elements. Let ฮฑโˆˆE be algebraic over F of degree n. Prove that F(ฮฑ) has qn elements.


Show that every finite extension of a finite field F is simple; that is, if E is a finite extension of a finite field F, prove that there exists an ฮฑโˆˆE such that E=F(ฮฑ).


Show that for every n there exists an irreducible polynomial of degree n in Zp[x].


Prove that the Frobenius map ฮฆ:GF(pn)โ†’GF(pn) given by ฮฆ:ฮฑโ†ฆฮฑp is an automorphism of order n.


Show that every element in GF(pn) can be written in the form ap for some unique aโˆˆGF(pn).


Let E and F be subfields of GF(pn). If |E|=pr and |F|=ps, what is the order of EโˆฉF?

24. Wilsonโ€™s Theorem.

Let p be prime. Prove that (pโˆ’1)!โ‰กโˆ’1(modp).


If g(t) is the minimal generator polynomial for a cyclic code C in Rn, prove that the constant term of g(x) is 1.


Often it is conceivable that a burst of errors might occur during transmission, as in the case of a power surge. Such a momentary burst of interference might alter several consecutive bits in a codeword. Cyclic codes permit the detection of such error bursts. Let C be an (n,k)-cyclic code. Prove that any error burst up to nโˆ’k digits can be detected.


Let C be a code in Rn that is generated by g(t). If โŸจf(t)โŸฉ is another code in Rn, show that โŸจg(t)โŸฉโŠ‚โŸจf(t)โŸฉ if and only if f(x) divides g(x) in Z2[x].


Let C=โŸจg(t)โŸฉ be a cyclic code in Rn and suppose that xnโˆ’1=g(x)h(x), where g(x)=g0+g1x+โ‹ฏ+gnโˆ’kxnโˆ’k and h(x)=h0+h1x+โ‹ฏ+hkxk. Define G to be the nร—k matrix
and H to be the (nโˆ’k)ร—n matrix
  1. Prove that G is a generator matrix for C.
  2. Prove that H is a parity-check matrix for C.
  3. Show that HG=0.