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Exercises 2.4 Exercises


Prove that 4⋅102n+9⋅102n−1+5 is divisible by 99 for n∈N.


Prove the Leibniz rule for f(n)(x), where f(n) is the nth derivative of f; that is, show that


If x is a nonnegative real number, then show that (1+x)n−1≥nx for n=0,1,2,….

12. Power Sets.

Let X be a set. Define the power set of X, denoted P(X), to be the set of all subsets of X. For example,
For every positive integer n, show that a set with exactly n elements has a power set with exactly 2n elements.


Show that the Principle of Well-Ordering for the natural numbers implies that 1 is the smallest natural number. Use this result to show that the Principle of Well-Ordering implies the Principle of Mathematical Induction; that is, show that if S⊂N such that 1∈S and n+1∈S whenever n∈S, then S=N.


For each of the following pairs of numbers a and b, calculate gcd(a,b) and find integers r and s such that gcd(a,b)=ra+sb.
  1. 14 and 39
  2. 234 and 165
  3. 1739 and 9923
  4. 471 and 562
  5. 23771 and 19945
  6. −4357 and 3754


Let a and b be nonzero integers. If there exist integers r and s such that ar+bs=1, show that a and b are relatively prime.

17. Fibonacci Numbers.

The Fibonacci numbers are
We can define them inductively by f1=1, f2=1, and fn+2=fn+1+fn for n∈N.
  1. Prove that fn<2n.
  2. Prove that fn+1fn−1=fn2+(−1)n, n≥2.
  3. Prove that fn=[(1+5)n−(1−5)n]/2n5.
  4. Show that ϕ=limn→∞fn+1/fn=(5+1)/2. The constant ϕ is known as the golden ratio.
  5. Prove that fn and fn+1 are relatively prime.


Let a and b be integers such that gcd(a,b)=1. Let r and s be integers such that ar+bs=1. Prove that


Let x,y∈N be relatively prime. If xy is a perfect square, prove that x and y must both be perfect squares.


Using the division algorithm, show that every perfect square is of the form 4k or 4k+1 for some nonnegative integer k.


Let n∈N. Use the division algorithm to prove that every integer is congruent mod n to precisely one of the integers 0,1,…,n−1. Conclude that if r is an integer, then there is exactly one s in Z such that 0≤s<n and [r]=[s]. Hence, the integers are indeed partitioned by congruence mod n.


Define the least common multiple of two nonzero integers a and b, denoted by lcm(a,b), to be the nonnegative integer m such that both a and b divide m, and if a and b divide any other integer n, then m also divides n. Prove there exists a unique least common multiple for any two integers a and b.


Prove that gcd(a,c)=gcd(b,c)=1 if and only if gcd(ab,c)=1 for integers a, b, and c.


Let a,b,c∈Z. Prove that if gcd(a,b)=1 and a∣bc, then a∣c.


Let p≥2. Prove that if 2p−1 is prime, then p must also be prime.


Using the fact that 2 is prime, show that there do not exist integers p and q such that p2=2q2. Demonstrate that therefore 2 cannot be a rational number.