Section 11.1 Group Homomorphisms
Two groups are related in the strongest possible way if they are isomorphic; however, a weaker relationship may exist between two groups. For example, the symmetric group and the group are related by the fact that can be divided into even and odd permutations that exhibit a group structure like that as shown in the following multiplication table.
We use homomorphisms to study relationships such as the one we have just described.
Example 11.2.
Example 11.3.
The following proposition lists some basic properties of group homomorphisms.
Proposition 11.4.
(1) Suppose that and are the identities of and respectively; then
By cancellation,
(2) This statement follows from the fact that
(3) The set is nonempty since the identity of is in Suppose that is a subgroup of and let and be in There exist elements such that and Since
(4) Let be a subgroup of and define to be that is, is the set of all such that The identity is in since If and are in then is in since is a subgroup of Therefore, and is a subgroup of If is normal in we must show that for and But
since is a normal subgroup of Therefore,
Let be a group homomorphism and suppose that is the identity of By Proposition 11.4, is a subgroup of This subgroup is called the kernel of and will be denoted by In fact, this subgroup is a normal subgroup of since the trivial subgroup is normal in We state this result in the following theorem, which says that with every homomorphism of groups we can naturally associate a normal subgroup.
Theorem 11.5.
Example 11.6.
Let us examine the homomorphism defined by Since is the identity of the kernel of this homomorphism is all matrices having determinant one. That is,
Example 11.7.
Example 11.8.
Suppose that we wish to determine all possible homomorphisms from to Since the kernel of must be a subgroup of there are only two possible kernels, and all of The image of a subgroup of must be a subgroup of Hence, there is no injective homomorphism; otherwise, would have a subgroup of order which is impossible. Consequently, the only possible homomorphism from to is the one mapping all elements to zero.
Example 11.9.
Let be a group. Suppose that and is the homomorphism from to given by If the order of is infinite, then the kernel of this homomorphism is since maps onto the cyclic subgroup of generated by However, if the order of is finite, say then the kernel of is